
10,B- Install WISECP module

STEP 1: Copy Module

First, Go to the Lab and download the WISECP module from its Link, then copy it into your directory.

STEP 2: Module Activation

Go to Wisecp Admin Panel, then in the menu bar, go to (Tools —> Addons), then find (AutoVM Plus) and make it activated by clicking on its toggler.

STEP 3: Edit Server Settings

In the Menu bar, go to (Services —> Hosting Management —> Server Settings) and enter your admin token like the following structure:

  • Hostname —> AutoVM
  • Server Automation Type —> PlusAutoVM
  • IP Address —> Your Backend address (e.g., backend.autovm.online without ‘http’ or ‘www’)
  • Username —> autovm (all characters in Lowercase, not AutoVM, not AUTOVM)
  • Password —> Your Admin Token (e.g hd9324gjkse83241)

STEP 4: Create Addons

In the Menu bar, go to (Services —> Service Management —> Addons) click to edit (Group Name: Servers), and add the input exactly like this: “Template” and it must be Mandatory:

Addon name —> Template
Addon Group —> Services
Related Service Group —> Server/VPS
Option Type —> Dropdown Menu

Options are your Template list. You can add them like the following:

Ubuntu 18 64
Ubuntu 20 64
Ubuntu 22 64
Debian 8 64
Debian 10 64
Debian 11 64
CentOS 7 64
CentOS 8 64
Alma 8 64
Alma 9 64
Rocky 8 64
Rocky 9 64
FreeBSD 13
Windows 2012 64
Windows 2016 64
Windows 2019 64
Windows 2022 64

STEP 5: Create Requirments

In the Menu bar, go to (Services -> Service Management -> Order Requirements) and click on ( Create New Group) to create a group.
On the new page, enter “AutoVM” as the name for this group, then click to edit this group. Click the “Add New Requirement” button, enter “Hostname,” and make it Mandatory. Then, enter “sshkey” and select optional. Be aware that these two fields must remain unchanged, avoiding any alterations to lowercase or uppercase.

Hostname Requirements:
Name -> hostname
Group -> AutoVM
Related Service Group – > Server/VPS
Status -> Enabled Mandatory -> Checked, it is Mandatory

Option Type -> Input
sshkey Requirements:
Name —> sshkey
Group -> AutoVM
Related Service Group -> Server/VPS
Status -> Enabled Mandatory ->Unchecked, it is not Mandatory
Option Type -> Input

STEP 6: Package Creation

In the Menu bar, go to (Services —> Hosting Management —> Dedicated/VPS Packages), click on (Create New Package) button, and follow the structure here:

Go to Core Tab:  Use only numbers without any words or characters, just an integer number

  • Master Server —> Single Server (select AutoVM)
  • poolid —> 1
  • memorySize —> 1024
  • memoryLimit —> 1024
  • diskSize —> 20
  • cpuCore —> 2
  • cpuLimit —> 2300

* Important Note: memory limit and CPU limit are necessary, but if you do not want to use these two fields, you should add “0” for them. If the memory limit and CPU limit are set to zero (0) then the machine will be created without any limitation

In Optional Addons Tab:

In this tab, you must select the “Template” addons that we created in the previous steps.