About Us
Startup History
We created a simple platform for personal usage in 2015 that facilitated the management of virtualization systems automatically. This platform is called AutoVM, and our team released it on Github in January 2020 for free. The first AutoVM publication helped many hosting companies to minimize their daily tasks and provide an automatic service for their clients. So, the name of AutoVM became apparent very fast; many companies were enthusiastic about our platform. Also many corporations asked the AutoVM team to develop a platform based on their infrastructure. Thereby, we started developing a new version with advanced architecture, and launched it under the name of AutoVM brand.

Our Mission
AutoVM is a new layer between Virtual Machines and Hypervisors that minimizes technicians’ tasks, provides a simple client workflow, and accelerates task management. By using AutoVM, all IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) and PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) systems workflows will be grouped into one set through a simple dashboard. Therefore, employees and clients can handle all their requests by themselves. Also, employees will not be forced to learn different techniques, because there is Multicloud support in this system, and all the tasks are completed automatically. Also, this service will eliminate human errors, and companies can automate their infrastructure at a low cost.

Why we are
By providing free and open source versions on GitHub, the market has recognized our brand. Most companies prefer to engage a human operator rather than systems such as our competitors, and we provided a unique platform that is economically justified in small and medium markets. With our team entering this business and providing services at a much lower price than our competitors, we can easily convince companies to our service by the low-cost plan rather than using human operators. By offering more features with lower prices than competitors, our product became more appealing to clients. While we were providing free AutoVM, more than thousands of companies subscribed to our website
Contact Us
(+1) 406 233-0191
Giruliu g. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania
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